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Principal's Updates

December Principal's Message

At ÉOES we strive to be a place where students feel safe, cared for and connected to the adults in the
building. It is when we have achieved this that we can begin to create an environment where children can flourish in their understanding of their ability to positively contribute to their classroom and school, their family, and their community.

Through many experiences, students develop into thoughtful, caring, and compassionate citizens. In
our Social Studies program, citizenship is one of the core concepts embedded into every grade level K to 4.

In Physical Education and Wellness, we learn how to care for ourselves and each other. Through the
stories we read and write, we learn about struggles and how to overcome them and through classes like Physical Education and activities during recess, students learn how to play, deal with conflict and work as a team.
At ÉOES, we continue to provide opportunities for students to learn and contribute to our community
and our world. There is so much learning beyond the curriculum such as helping a fellow student score a goal, find their lost boots or making a new friend. Through quiet acts of kindness, a smile, or a grand gesture, our students, staff, and parents are continually modeling the importance of positive citizenship in our ÉOES community.
Hooper and the staff of ÉOES would like to thank all of you for your support and your generous
contribution to our school and our community. May you enjoy a safe, healthy and happy holiday

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